Bok Telescope and Site
Elevation: 2071 m = 6795 ft.
Latitude: +31° 57' 46.5"
Longitude: 111° 36' 01.6"W
Time Zone: +7 hours
Primary Mirror Clear Aperture: 2.29 m =
90 inches diameter
Primary Focal Ratio: f/2.66
f/9 Ritchey-Chretien focus
Plate Scale: 104 microns/arcsec = 9.66
arcsec/mm (nominal)
Usable Field of View: 45 arcminute diameter
(curved focal plane)
Central obscuration = 14%
f/45 Cassegrain focus
Plate Scale: 510 microns/arcsec = 1.96
arcsec/mm (nominal)
Central obscuration = 9%
Typical Seeing: 1.5"
Absolute Pointing: 3" RMS over the entire
sky; offset pointing: 1" over 5°
Tracking: <3" drift per hour (open loop)
Horizon Limits: 12.5°
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optical parameters!