Observing Campaign 106 finishes at the Bok Telescope with a highly volatile night of weather on Kitt Peak, Arizona. There were some light, widely scattered cirrus clouds and jet contrails at the start of the night, but the real concern was the rapidly rising humidity along with a wind that often surpassed 30mph. The humidity reached the closing limit at about 2200 local time, but it leveled off and hovered around 90% for the remainder of the night and never forced a dome closure. Also, the wind stayed within acceptable limits, only gusting over 40mph a few times. The major problem for observing turned out to be orographic clouds that formed quickly and often. They also dissipated just as quickly, allowing polarization measurements to continue nearly continuously. Photometry was much more limited. The clouds became too much at around 0430 local time and most of the remaining hour and a half was lost to the weather.
After a four-night break, blazar monitoring for Campaign 107 will be active
from Mt. Bigelow, AZ using the Kuiper Telescope.