Yet another somewhat lucky night of blazar monitoring. The sky remained completely clear until after midnight and then the mountain started to form low-level clouds as wet air was forced over the mountain. This did not cause too many problems on Mt. Bigelow for a few hours although a cloud cap formed on the higher peak of Mt. Lemmon, only about five miles to the west of the observatory. By 0300 local time, observing was difficult through the rapidly streaming clouds and the humidity rose to near the observing limit. By 0330, the sky was completely overcast and the dome had to be closed to end Campaign 96. Unfortunately, the objects scheduled to be done at end of the night were missed. This included CTA102.
There is only a 3-night break between Campaign 96 and its extension
identified as Campaign 96.1. The coming six-night session will benefit from
less moonlight and hopefully a dryer atmosphere at the Kuiper Telescope.