Observing campaign number 13 starts on Kitt Peak with unsettled conditions for the first observing night in 2010. The first 4 hours were clear, but windy and 8 Fermi blazars were observed. Seeing was 1.5-2.0 arcsec. At about 2300 local time, clouds started to form over the mountain and some flashes of lightning were seen from the cloud complex to the north of Kitt Peak. Observations ground to a complete halt by midnight. Just after 0100, the sky cleared as quickly as it had become cloudy and observations continued uninterrupted by weather for the next 4 hours. Seeing was poor (2-3 arcsec) as the primary mirror was 17 degrees F warmer than the air temperature. The humidity continued its slow upward march and finally reached a point that forced a dome closure with about an hour left in the night. All-in-all, a good start to the campaign with a dozen and a half objects observed.