1. Rooms 1 and 2 are set aside for observers using the Bok Telescope. Observers have the choice of either room 1 or 2 even if they are assigned one of these particular rooms on the dorm schedule.

  2. Rooms 4 and 5 are set aside for Spacewatch observers. Observers have the choice of either room 4 or 5 even if they are assigned one of these particular rooms on the dorm schedule.

  3. Any use of rooms 3, 6, or 7 MUST be reserved in advance. To reserve a room in the dormitory, contact Carmen Otero ( with your complete request as soon as possible since assignments for rooms 3, 6, and 7 are made on a first-come, first-serve basis. Note, that there are two single beds available in room 6.

  4. There is NO SMOKING in the dormitory. The same policy is in force for the telescope enclosures and control rooms. Guests are reminded that alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the Tohono O'odham Nation or in University of Arizona buildings.

  5. Because of safety considerations in the event of a emergency, the site supervisor (Bill Wood;; 318-8690) shall know the room number of all dormitory guests. Do not change from your assigned room (except for the latitude given to observers described in (1) and (2) above) to another unoccupied and unreserved room unless you notify the site supervisor by phone, email, or in person.

  6. All of the towels and bed linens that you use during your observing run shall be placed in the proper container in the laundry room before you leave the mountain.

  7. All dormitory areas that you use are to be kept clean. For example, used cooking utensils, dishes, and glasses are to be washed and put away before you leave the mountain. If you find a dirty kitchen/living area when you first arrive at the dormitory, report it to the site supervisor or telescope operator. This will avoid confusion as to the party responsible for leaving the facility in an unacceptable state. Also, report plumbing problems, especially toilets running indefinitely.

  8. Please sign in using the provided space on the first or second floor blackboards to indicate the room that you are occupying. Before you leave the mountain after your observing run, remember to erase your name from the blackboard.

  9. Try to be quiet around all of the dormitories at ALL times. Telescope users and operators typically sleep during the day, while technical support personnel tend to keep more "normal" hours if they are required to stay overnight. In particular, do not let doors slam behind you, do not bound down the stairs, and do not converse within earshot of sleepers. The patio outside the laundry room is directly below room 6. If you do not have a room reservation and are not a scheduled observer for the coming night, do not enter the dormitory unless invited to do so by one of the current guests.

  10. Leave the outer doors locked and be sure lights are off and blinds closed before dark.

  11. The site supervisor, or his designate, has the authority to change room assignments or deny access to rooms for any reason that he deems necessary. If, due to a mistake in the scheduling of rooms, there is a conflict in room assignments, the site supervisor shall be the arbiter. His decisions in all cases are FINAL.

  12. If you take any room in the dormitory without a reservation and the individual with a valid reservation for that night arrives, you are required to yield to the reservation holder and vacate the room IMMEDIATELY. The Web version of the dormitory schedule will take precedence over any hard copy version.

  13. Individuals who are not observing at the Bok or Spacewatch telescopes are NOT to take rooms 1, 2, 4, and/or 5 without a reservation or without the explicit permission of the site supervisor.

  14. Failure to follow these policies or failure to use your reserved dormitory room(s) without CANCELING your reservation will threaten your privilege to use the Steward Observatory dormitory. Questions concerning dormitory policies should be directed to Bob Peterson (, Bill Wood (, or Paul Smith (

Dormitory room reservations can be viewed at: