1. Get excel spreadsheet from Marcia (.xls) 2. Covert to .sxc (OpenOffice) spreadsheet file. 3. Edit .sxc file. - correct any mistakes. - make sure row and column borders are filled in (set thickness to 2nd thinest). - set zoom for each worksheet to 150% - highlight all used columns and rows in each of the 4 worksheets and: Table entries to font size 10 Telescope headings bold and font size 12 Column headings bold Set row height to 0.20" Set optimal column width to 0.1" (default) - copy first 3 columns (date, day, lunation to right side spreadsheet. - save edited .sxc file - "save as" web page (.html) 4. Edit .html file. - Get rid of heading. - Set telescope headings between


- g/> <\/FONT/s//>
<\/FONT/g 5. Break .html into 4 separate .html files (by month). For each: - Place
in correct places (at beginning and end of table). - Change table heading to "Month Year". - - Delete last row of each month if it is blank. 6. Transfer to james (public_html/schedules). Edit until happy. 7. Revise appropriate web pages to add finished schedules.