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Observing Proposals for 2013A

This is the Announcement of Opportunity for observing time on Arizona telescopes for the period of January through April, 2012. Magellan will be scheduled for the period of January through June, 2012. Proposals (8 paper copies plus a PDF version) must be submitted by noon on Thursday, October 11, 2012. Both paper and electronic copies are required. Long-term observing proposals for 2013 will be accepted during this proposal call.

Available telescopes include LBT, MMT, Magellan I/II, 90", VATT, 61", and 60".

An Observer's Web site has been established to assist in proposal preparation. Available information includes proposal instructions, updates about instruments and their availability, the scheduling process, dates for Bright/Gray/Dark time, etc. Feedback about this site is welcomed.

Make sure to download the current LaTeX2e proposal template (v1.3) soprop.tex and class files soprop.cls. You can of course rename soprop.tex as you wish.

Submission details

George Rieke, Chair
Steward Observatory Telescope Allocation Committee