CCD SPOL Help File

Screen # 0 
UA/STScI CCD Spectropolarimeter
Before taking data:
- Check clock with ?DATE and ?UT
If incorrect, SETCLOCK to reset, then recheck UT and date
- ZERO to initialize aperture and waveplate wheels
- SET-DISPAXIS to select dispersion axis
- AIRMASSPROMPT ON to prompt for airmass before each obsn
- MODE-TEST to test PC <--> camera communications
- FORMAT to select chip format
- OPEN-DATAFILE to select picture datafile
- To return instrument setup to last exposure,
- Camera electronics must be turned on and flushing chip
at least 1 hour before long exposures are attempted!!!

Screen # 1
Data axes
COLS Xsize
ROWS Ysize
UT date
COL-SKIP Starting column #
CBIN Column increment
ROW-SKIP Starting row #
RBIN Row increment
Picture #
#APT Aperture number
SHUTTER Shutter mode (0 = closed)
CCD temperature in øC
1 = sloshed; 0 = static
DISPAXIS x = 1; y = 2

Screen # 2

Waveplate Selection
º Coll. focus º
º Achr. « wave (lin. poln) ~7.5mm º
º Achr. ¬ wave (cir. poln) ~8.5mm º
º º

Nominal Focus Settings (2/93)
º Collimator focus (see above) º
º 58mm f.l. cam. focus ÷ 0.250" at T = 40F; lambda = 5500 º
º 2.3m telescope focus ÷ .130 at T = 40F º

Screen # 3
Aperture Selection
º Psn W / L (mm) W / L (") (with 58mm camera) º
º 61in = 90in 72in MMT 4m º
º Length 5.1mm 51" 33" 19" 26" º
º 0 <0.2mm dia <2.0"dia <1.3"dia <0.8"dia <1.0"dia º
º 1 0.2mm 2.0" 1.3" 0.8" 1.0" º
º 2 0.3mm 3.0" 1.9" 1.1" 1.5" º
º 3 0.4mm 4.1" 2.6" 1.5" 2.0" º
º 4 0.5mm 5.1" 3.2" 1.9" 2.5" º
º 5 0.8mm 7.6" 5.2" 2.8" 4.0" º
º 6 1.3mm 12.7" 8.4" 4.7" 6.5" º
º 7 5.1mm 50.8" 33.0" 18.8" 26.0" º
ºpix/" (x slit demag) 1.93 2.99 5.22 3.86 º

Screen # 4

Grating Selection
º ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Blaze ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ Dispers Spectral Slit º
º g/mm Angle Wave Microm (A/pix) Coverage Demag. º
º (w/58mm camera) º
º** 600 *** 8.6ø * 4440A * 6.57 **** 4.08 ** 4890A *** 0.85 *º
º 600 11.3ø 5819A 6.87 4.14 4970A 0.81 º
º 672 16.2ø 7365A 7.41 3.77 4529A 0.74 º
º 964 14.6ø 4639A 7.23 2.62 3140A 0.76 º
º 1200 21.1ø 5322A 7.95 2.14 2570A 0.67 º
º mirror --- --- 5.61 --- --- 1.00 º
res'n(Ang) = slit(") x pix/" x disp(Ang/pix) x slit demag
**** Grating retired ****

Screen # 5
\ 02:04 06-10-03
Voltages for #3637 CCD
Using UPPER amplifier Characteristics
º VH+, VH- +4.0, -4.0 º
º VP+, VP- +3.0, -5.0 º Gain 1.10 e-/adu
º OP+, OP- +5.0, -4.0 º Rd. Noise 2.7 e-
º VT+, VT- +5.0, -5.0 º Well >65,535 adu (>70,000e-)
º VR+, VR- +8.0, 0.0 º
º VRD +13.0 º
º VOD +24.0 º
º VOG -1.0 º
º VBD/FZ --- º
º VSUBST +0.0 º
º VT2 +0.0 º

Screen # 6

Binning Modes Available (Upper amp)
[ H1LORAL; H2LORAL; V1LORAL 7/13/94]
º Mode Cols Rows Descr. 1220 x 800 º
º (x) (y) read time (sec) º
º 0 1 1 17.6us samples 44.7 º
º 1 1 2 17.6us samples 22.4 º
º 2 2 1 17.6us samples 25.4 º
º 3 2 2 17.6us samples 12.9 º
º 4 1 1 --- --- º
º 5 1 1 --- --- º
º 6 1 1 --- --- º
º 7 - - Fast 2 x 2 flush --- º

Screen # 7
Telescope Status Logging (Airmass Entry)

1) Turn on VXWORKS box as per Steward CCD operation

On bok:
2) copy "" to a directory located at chinadoll!d1/schmidt/scripts/
\urf386 on data-taking PC
"ccdloral" floppy disk
3) Define task as per: "task telstat ="
4) Load package "ccdacq"
5) Start telescope status logging: "telstat &"

On the data-taking PC:
6) Turn off airmass prompting: "AIRMASSPROMPT OFF"
7) Test operation: "GET-AIRMASS F."

Screen # 8
Help Menu
0 General
1 Instrument Setup
2 Instrument Control
3 Data-Taking
4 Picture Manipulation
5 Picture Display
6 Integer-Picture Arithmetic
7 Picture-Picture Arithmetic
8 Plotting
9 Tests/Diagnostics
esc exit to program

To search Help file for a word, escape from this screen and
hit F6 (EXPLAIN) followed by word.

Screen # 9
Help: General
CLS - Clear screen
NOOP - A no-op definition. Ex: POSTPROCESS NOOP
SHELL" command " - Shell out to external task 'command'
DIR - Like DOS DIR command
DEL - Like DOS DEL command

SETCLOCK - Set PC hardware clock
HELP (F10) - Access these HELP screens
EXPLAIN (F6) - Grep through help pages for specific word
INFO - Display start-up information
COLD - Reset dictionary to Basic FORTH

MENU (F5) - Menu control (esc. or R button to exit)

Screen # 10
Help: Instrument Setup
OPEN-DATAFILE (F9)- Select picture filename and picture number

FORMAT (F8) - Select binning and readout format
?FORMAT - Display current binning and readout format
FORMATS - Display available binning formats

SET-DISPAXIS - Set dispersion axis (x = 1; y = 2)

AIRMASSPROMPT ON(OFF) - Enable query for airmass
?AIRMASS - Force reading of airmass
AIRMASSES - List special help screen for airmass
RECONFIGURE - Reset instrument configuration to same
as last observation

Screen # 11
Help: Instrument Control
STATUS (F2) - Single-line status display
LITE (DARK) - Select illuminated (dark) exposure
SHUTTER ON (OFF) - Identical to LITE (DARK) above
n APT - Select aperture n
n WAVE - Select waveplate orientation n
ZAPT - Initialize aperture wheel
ZWAVE - Initialize waveplate wheel
ZERO - Initialize aperture and waveplate wheels
APERTURES - List characteristics of available apertures
WAVEPLATES - List characteristics of available waveplates
FOCUS - List nominal focus settings
GRATINGS - List characteristics of available gratings
MICROMETER - Calculate grating micrometer value
CHIP - List CCD clock voltages

Screen # 12
Help: Data-taking
n SEC - Set exposure time to n secs (0-3600)
n MILLISEC - Set exposure time to n millisec (0-30000)
LABEL - Label current observation
COMMENT - Attach comment to current observation
SNAPSHOT - Select single-exposure mode
Q(U,V)-SEQUENCE - Select waveplate sequence for Q(U,V) Stokes
GO (F3) - Begin observation
n GOS - Take n identical obsns without stopping
TEST (F10) - Begin test observation (Pic. #0)
PAUSE - Pause exposure (closes shutter)
When paused: RESUME - Resume exposure
RESTART - Restart exposure
STOP - End exposure now
KILL - Abort entire obsn without writing to disk

Screen # 13
Help: Picture Manipulation
PICS - Summarize pictures on disk
HEADER - List header (prompts for picture #)
n ?HEADER - List header of picture n

m n ERASE-PIC - Delete pictures m thru n from disk

m n MAKEFITS - Write FITS-format files of pics. m thru n

Screen # 14
Help: Picture Display
n TV - Display picture n
TV (F4) - Same as "n TV" for last picture accessed
!TV - Select picture for display w/out TV
n BIAS - Set display bias level to n
n DECIMATE - Set decimate value to n (1 ó n ó 3)
n SLIDE - Slide display mask by n bits (-7 ó n ó 8)
n ZOOM (+- in mouse)- Set display zoom factor to n (1 ó n ó 8)
CENTER - Reset display to image center
TVRESET - Reset display parameters to default values

LINEAR (LOGAR) - Select linear (logarithmic) VLU's
RTB (RGB,RGBP,RNDM) - Select color mapping scheme
(red-to-blue, red/green/blue,
red/green/blue/purple, random pseudocolor)

Screen # 15
Help: Integer-Picture Arithmetic
p s PS+ - Add s to pic p
p s PS- - Subtract s from pic p
p s PS* - Multiply pic p by s
p s PS/ - Divide pic p by s

p s PMAX - Clip pic p to values greater/equal to s
p s PMIN - Clip pic p to values less/equal s

p PNEGATE - Multiply pic p by -1

Screen # 16
Help: Picture-Picture Arithmetic
p1 p2 P+ - pic1 + pic2 --> pic2
p1 p2 P- - pic1 - pic2 --> pic2
p1 p2 P* - pic1 * pic2 --> pic2
p1 p2 P/ - pic1 / pic2 --> pic2
p1 s p2 P*/ - pic1 * s / pic2 --> pic2

p1 PSQ - pic1 * pic1 --> pic1

p1 p2 P> - Form pixel maximum of p1 and p2 (--> p2)
p1 p2 P< - Form pixel minimum of p1 and p2 (--> p2)

Screen # 17
Help: Plotting
m n CP [RP] - Plot mean of cols (rows) m thru n
m n COP [ROP] - Overplot mean of cols (rows) m thru n
m n CP- [RP-] - Subtract mean of cols (rows) m thru n

m n XLIM - Set x axis limits from m to n
m n YLIM - Set y axis limits from m to n
AUTOSCALE - Set axis limits to accomodate full data range

FLIP - Reverse X limits of plot

REPLOT - Replot with modified axis limits

HISTO ON (OFF) - Plot as histogram (otherwise dot-to-dot)

Screen # 18
Help: Tests/Diagnostics
n GUNN - Begin GUNN statistics diagnostic on column n
m EQU #GEDGE - Set "edge" column to m

x y s NOISE - Compute mean and rms of s x s box at (x,y)
BIASNOISE - Compute NOISE in 11x11 box in overscan strip
MODE-TEST - Test PC<-->camera communications
PRINTFILE Use - >>FILE [filename] initblock endblock PRINTFILE
n EQU VB# - Select column n for DMA-CHECK
DMA-CHECK - Test and display part of DMA buffer

BUFFERS - List contents of internal picture buffers
MEMUSE - Show use of conventional and extended memory
COOLING - Display and save record of dewar cool-down