CTIO Narrow-band Filter 4685/44

On 2014 July 1 & 2 (UT), a few brief imaging polarimetry measurements were made during another science program at the 6.5m MMT using SPOL and a narrow-band filter. The filter was kindly supplied by Sean Points (NOAO/CTIO) and we thank C. You and A. Zabludoff (Steward Obs.) for the telescope time.

The 4685/44 filter has a central wavelength of 4682 Å and a FWHM of 42 Å. The filter was tilted in the collimated beam within SPOL so that the central wavelength was shifted to around 4657 Å. The approximate transmission curve for the imaging polarimetry using the tilted configuration for the filter is given below.

Please contact Paul Smith (pssmith@arizona.edu) if you have questions concerning these web pages.